And then there were three – NxTop Enterprise morphs to XenClient Enterprise | The Virtualization Practice

I’ve been watching this space for a while, and I continue to find it frustrating.  Virtual Computer’s NxTop was one of the more promising platforms to develop into what I’d really like to see this area of computing become:  a type 1 virtualized environment capable of running multiple operating systems simultaneously (much like the existing server virtualization environment) with the ability to display consoles for the running guests (which is lacking in the existing server environment), and perhaps eventually provide direct guest access to certain devices such as video cards to achieve maximum performance from that component.  XenClient/XCI was the other promising platform in this area, so hopefully Citrix does see this as an opportunity to develop and build out a product (hopefully without leaving open source behind… I see a lot of advantages in being able to run something like this at home too) rather than just an opportunity to swallow some competition and further entrench the VDI model, which I find immensely unpalatable.

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