Links Archive

LXC provider for Vagrant – Fábio Rehm

Posted March 1, 2014 By Landis V

I’m going to need to spend some more time with LXC and vagrant.  Had a former coworker who did quite a bit in vagrant and it sounded interesting, but seeing the tie between Vagrant and LXC… I’ve just got to “get it” better.

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Posted February 23, 2014 By Landis V

There’s a lot of room for improvement in laws surrounding craft and micro-scale brewing. This link will allow you to quickly sign up for email notifications pertinent to legislation in your state with implications for the craft/micro brewing industries.

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During our move to the new house, about three years ago, I managed to misplace the set of spring clips that hold the drawers in my old Craftsman toolchest.  I was disgusted by the thought of paying $4 each for replacements, as it would quickly exceed the value of the chest at two per drawer.  It was nice to run across this forum link and see that Waterloo manufactures a suitable replacement for less than half the cost.  I’ll be calling them when I get an opportunity.

I’m still going to be upset with myself when I find the plastic bag with the ten originals.

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Bray’s One Month Mead – Home Brew Forums

Posted February 12, 2014 By Landis V

After making my mead this past weekend, I still have around 12lbs of honey left.  I ran across this recipe in the past and thought I had bookmarked it; I hadn’t.  Doing so now, as this seems like another interesting possibility to try out with my remaining honey.

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Aruba wireless data mining whitepaper

Posted February 4, 2014 By Landis V

Recently got an email about Meraki’s product, specifically highlighting their analytics capabilities.  I’m not much of a Meraki fan myself, too “cloudy” for my tastes; I’m still very much a believer in controlling your own infrastructure.  I didn’t dig into the analytics functionality as I don’t have  a need at this point, and I’d be very surprised to hear any wireless infrastructure vendor in business today say that they couldn’t do behavior/spatial analytics.  I did a quick search on Aruba’s capabilities in that regard just as a quick confirmation and ran across the linked whitepaper.

It did get me thinking/wondering about whether there’s any cohesive effort for similar analytics in the open source space.  I’m sure it would be quite do-able given the time and resources.  I guess that’s probably the key difference between sales/marketing and tech – the money is where somebody “needs it now”, but the depth of understanding and capability come in when you have the opportunity to build it yourself and really get familiar with the details.

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MacGyver IT: 21 tools for IT heroes – Network World

Posted February 3, 2014 By Landis V

Some neat stuff.

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Electric Heat Stick Brew Kettle Plan

Posted January 28, 2014 By Landis V

20140104_223859I mentioned in a recent post that I had come into the opportunity to use a nice size stainless steel (formerly steam jacketed) pot as a brew kettle.  My initial thought was that I needed to purchase a considerably larger propane burner with a much higher BTU output, but a friend who has recently completed an electric setup in a converted 15 gallon keg brought up the possibility of crafting a heat stick.

I was somewhat familiar with electric systems from hearing his progress as he went through the build process, but was unfamiliar with electric heat sticks.  The gist of the idea is using a heating element from an electric water heater  as the heat source for a boil kettle.  Perfect for a setup with a borrowed kettle that I don’t want to modify!

There are a number of reference articles, posts, and threads for building full electric systems with kettle-mounted elements, but brewing with heat sticks seems to be a somewhat newer trend.  Even so, there are a number of designs in existence.  The latest generally seem to use an ultra low watt density element, though there are many reports that the regular elements are perfectly suitable and don’t impact even very light lagers.  I’ve already found an element that I think will be suitable assuming I have sufficient watt output.

This post is another of my evolving “project in progress” posts, so it will change and evolve as the project moves from research, planning, and design through the build, test, and finalization phases.

Project potential part/price/location list

Stainless build options/discussion threads

Electrical and Wiring

Abandoned Ideas

2″ Copper Endcap Threaded Into 2″ Stainless Steel Female Cap

20140128_194050 20140128_194035 20140128_194017 2" copper endcap, next to a quarter for thickness comparison.

One of my thoughts was to thread (NPT) the outside of a 2″ copper endcap, apply teflon tape, and thread it into a 2″ stainless steel endcap.  I would bore a centered hole in both caps, and the copper cap would be threaded onto the heating element, flat side toward the element.  An elbow would be threaded into the stainless steel cap and attached to a piece of stainless steel pipe through which wiring for the element would have been run.

I believe I have a threader which would have allowed me to thread the copper endcap, but I had several concerns about the longevity of the design in addition to the questionable cost-effectiveness.  Even Chinese stainless steel 2″ endcaps are north of $20, and that would not include any boring/threading/machining.  I was also concerned about the durability of the union between the relatively thin copper endcap (shown with a quarter standing beside it in the picture above for comparison) and the threaded fitting of the element.

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