Networking Archive

U-Boot w/ MMC/SD-card booting for Pogoplug Series 4

Posted December 3, 2014 By Landis V,7477,10982

Just bought one of the mobile units today.  This thread appears to have some instructions on getting Debian set up on the SD.  Will have to come back to it when the unit arrives and I have a couple of minutes.  Thinking this could make a great router/firewall.

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Posted July 23, 2014 By Landis V

Need to do it.  And look at Linux flow exporting capabilities.

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Four very good articles I’ve encountered today regarding networking in Linux containers. This is a space that has blossomed and matured surprisingly quickly, and many of the frustrations I had previously encountered are gradually being solved.

I was initially researching veth’s and bridging a container network to the host network. I have a container inside a VirtualBox VM with a NAT network, and want to bridge the container so it retrieves an address from the VirtualBox NAT network. As I’ve dug into it further, this appears to actually be what’s happening, but I start to run into issues when I attempt to set up a port forward on the VirtualBox NAT to a service running within the LXC container.

A Brief Introduction to Linux Containers with LXC

Introducing Linux Network Namespaces
More interesting to me in the context of VRF lite a la Cisco than in the context of LXC, but definitely something I’ll be coming back to.

Exploring LXC Networking
Gets into LXC testing using Vagrant, which is another tool I have been meaning to learn more about. Perhaps one of the most helpful articles in understanding just what I was encountering.

Disposable Development Boxes: Linux Containers on VirtualBox
This was a second search as I started to look more into the issues getting the forwaring to work right. Egresss from the container seemed to work OK, I could ping Google and such, but I couldn’t seem to bring anything back in easily.

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I picked up a couple of POGO-V4-A1-01’s from eBay for $7.50 apiece shipped and thought I might try using them for sensor devices and/or generic simple alerting systems.  The hardware mod listed in this forum will be very helpful in adding another interface to the device, as my understanding is that it will only boot from the USB or the SATA port, and the device will be much more useful if the USB port is available for peripherals.

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I tinkered with this at work, but found it lacking from a production standpoint.  This may be due in part to working outside my typical Debian-based comfort zone.  Will probably look at it again at home and see if it shows more promise with experience.

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Nice write-up.  Very straightforward and easy to follow.  I was searching for info on extendedKeyUsage with automatic SSID/certificate matching (per RFC4334), so this wasn’t quite it, but was noteworthy.

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This is one of the areas where I think the results will live up to, and even exceed, the hype and expectations.  This was a pretty good read, with a combination of real world examples and some forward looking expectations that seem to be more than pie in the sky.

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