Communications Archive

How to SCP a path with spaces

Posted May 8, 2012 By Landis V

I’ve needed this a few times and been lazy about it.  Finally got around to looking it up.  Quote the path and double-escape the spaces… I’d have never just guessed it, though maybe would have figured it out if I had spent some time reading through the documentation.  Thanks, Nick.  Saved me a huge chunk of time there.

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Memory string preceding per-session IPSec keys in an IOS core dump:  00 00 00 00 63 C0 60 0C 63 C0 60 1C 07 D0 00 19 00 00 00 00 63 C0 60 0C 63 C0 60 1C 07 D0 00 19

Exactly 16 bytes after B8 begins the inbound encryption key, which is 24 bytes long. Immediately after the encryption key is the 16 byte authentication key.  Once these are sussed out, they can be used to decode a wireshark capture for troubleshooting purposes.  These keys are not the pre-shared key; they are the derived session key that changes periodically based on time or bytes sent.

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There are a ton of new features in the 15.2 train.   This is another one I’d like to look into further if I can find the time.  Though I do have to say, I’d rather Cisco focus on fixing some bugs for a while over more “neat to have” features, so I can quit spending time on workarounds and have some free time to work on “neat” stuff.

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I’ve been thinking about enrolling in some form of higher education program for several years.  I do have concerns about being able to devote the required time to the program, but I feel that I am in a much more “learning oriented” mindset than I was at age 18.  Not sure whether I would pursue a degree related to my current field; though it would make logical sense, I’ve already assembled a collection of domain experience that serves me well in what I do.  In some ways, I think it would be more logical to pursue other areas of interest where I haven’t had the same level of opportunity to learn it from the inside out.

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ICSI Netalyzr

Posted March 28, 2012 By Landis V

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I should probably register and contribute here.  I’m on a first name basis with quite a few protocols, but invariably I encounter something with which I’m not familiar, and the search is usually futile.  The downside in this case is the assumption that you already know the protocol and are looking for additional information about it, rather than my typical use case where I see a port in use and capture some data about it, and am instead looking to see what protocol it is.

A corollary to this link might be, as it provides a purpose and in some cases perhaps descriptors of the traffic.

The more I think about it, search around, and reflect on past experience, the more of these types of sites come to mind. The documentation and descriptions we use for protocols and their inherent characteristics and flaws just doesn’t seem to have standardized in the same way that others have (i.e., CERT, MITRE).

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Multicast DNS

Posted February 29, 2012 By Landis V

Might make a good read sometime

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