Android Archive

This is an interesting tidbit to run across, and something I’ve been looking forward to for a while.  I never found running classic KeePass under WINE to be a particularly enjoyable experience, but since I only use KeePass 2.x files (I often forget why, but there’s some reason that I remember every time I read through the differences) I was stuck with that as my only option.  Will have to see if I can get this to compile and run, and then see what I can come up with for options on my Android.

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Android VPN Articles and References

Posted January 28, 2012 By Landis V

Looking towards configuring StrongSwan as an IPSec VPN endpoint for Android.  The long-term goal is to set up a VPN configuration in which the phone automatically forwards all traffic through the IPSec VPN tunnel to be routed via my home connection unless 1.) the phone is connected to my private wireless network (perhaps one dedicated to the phone) or 2.) I manually disable forwarding, possibly to be resumed automatically after a timeout, and definitely to be resumed at phone reboot.  On the private network, will be doing some HTTP filtering, mangling, redirecting, and blocking; some file sync’ing and/or “private cloud” streaming; some monitoring; some outright blocking; some home automation… all kinds of wonderful, fun and exciting things.  I’m coming up on a year since I left the giant red atrocity that is Verizon and purchased an Android phone and plan from US Cellular (which has been an outstanding upgrade in every way… both the phone and the carrier), and I’m just now getting things in place to begin configuring the VPN hub, hence “long term”.  This post is primarily to note a few pages with hints, tips, and configurations for Android (and iPhone) device connections to a (Open|Strong)Swan server.  The biggest problem I seem to be encountering thus far is that I don’t think any I have yet encountered are descriptive in setting up an “always on, automatic at boot” connection, and I’m thinking I’ll need to get a working tun.ko module for my phone to really make this happen as I would like.  We shall see.

More to follow/update to post later.
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Posted April 22, 2011 By Landis V

Companies are like evolving living organisms.  Think of the dotcoms – they are the genetic offspring of business and the internet – two different families in the genetic hierarchy of “things”. They areimpacted by their environment (which businesses and the Internet are also kind of a part of… maybe not entirely unlike nature/nurture), but also by microorganisms like employees.  Employees certainly represent the cells and systems of the business organism, but also viruses that impact the development of the organism.  That may lead to the collapse (“extinction”?) of certain types of, or even individual businesses, as viral organisms overtake them and make them unfit for survival in their environment.  Interesting train of thought, could easily develop into an entire post of its own. and to a lesser/secondary extent Fascinate ROMs on Mesmerize.  Radio improvements.  Better 3G speeds, faster GPS lock?

Well done Nokia “Your decision to partner with Microsoft is as sage and wise as allowing your balls to be shaved by a mental patient.” DrXym (126579), /. Comment #35906170

Olympic National Park Need to read up on how to properly do podcast, look to see if there are any good android apps to auto-download and arrange, and find my tunecaster.

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Android – moving to AOSP from PnP

Posted March 17, 2011 By Landis V

Good link describing CWM Red and how to load:

Link to AOSP v0.9 with instructions:

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