Something I’ve thought about off and on for some time. Looking primarily at open source software. This post may be updated as I continue to look. – last updated 5-Apr-2012. Fairly rudimentary interface. Simple. – last updated 22-Feb-2011. Interface looks nice. Vulnerable to SQL injection (here) and not being updated any longer (here). Also need to make sure to install php-mysql, php-pear, and php-pager to get it operational. – Pretty simple and fairly customisable, just need to build the backend database properly. Not sure about handling of images, but does appear to support BLOB fields, might be able to use with an inline image (stored in the database) or link to an images database in that case. This also looks like a fantastic frontend for the grocery price and location database with a small amount of tweaking. – similar to above. Doesn’t appear to do pictures.