Web Applications Archive

WikiStart – Tiny Tiny RSS

Posted March 26, 2013 By Landis V


I was reminded this morning, while reading some of James Altucher‘s very interesting posts and wanting to add to my subscription list, that I’m eventually going to need to do something to replace Google Reader as my feed reader.  This might be an interesting way to do so.  The Android client is a plus.  I’ll have to add it to my project list.

Edit 6/18/13: Also ran across https://www.commafeed.com/welcome today, which does not look bad, but I still have some inclination towards tt-rss at this time.

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Updates to grocery price application

Posted February 23, 2013 By Landis V

I recently posted about a grocery tracking database/application I had built using Xataface.  Today I circled back to it for a bit and made a couple of updates to provide some additional functionality and to fix a couple of behaviors I found marginally annoying.

I started out with some reading about delegate classes and how to create them, which was instrumental in creating the changes described below.  Essentially in my case, the initial creation of the delegate class was fairly simple.  I created a new file owned by the HTTP server user at grocery/tables/entry/entry.php.  Initially, the contents of this file were pretty basic:

class tables_entry { 


One of my goals was to improve the speed of entry from my receipts, and I saw a couple of potential methods for this.  I ran across an article about adding a CSV import and added that code into my delegate class (inside the {}’s for the class) and thought it might simplify additions with a lot of common fields – such as the date, store, and location for a particular receipt.  Please note that I have not given any thought to the security or sanity checks on this code, and it may be unsafe against injection attacks.

function __import__csv(&$data, $defaultValues=array()){
    // build an array of Dataface_Record objects that are to be inserted based
    // on the CSV file data.
    $records = array();

    // first split the CSV file into an array of rows.
    $rows = explode("\n", $data);
    foreach ( $rows as $row ){
        // We iterate through the rows and parse the name, phone number, and email
        // addresses to that they can be stored in a Dataface_Record object.
        list($brand, $type, $subtype, $description, $count, $size, $unit, $price, $priceisperitem, $regularprice, $store, $rcptdesc, $sku, $pricedate, $location, $note) = explode(',', $row);
        $record = new Dataface_Record('entry', array());

        // We insert the default values for the record.

        // Now we add the values from the CSV file.

        // Now add the record to the output array.
        $records[] = $record;

    // Now we return the array of records to be imported.
    return $records;

My thought was that I could pre-fill common fields for a particular shopping trip and save some time.  Unfortunately, after trying it I was somewhat disappointed at the amount of time it took me to enter things as comma separated lines, and the code isn’t working quite right as the pre-filled values are the only things that come through.  So instead I turned my focus towards improving the process I already use.

Like most people, we make quite a few repeat purchases and generally shop the same few stores.  As such, I already have many items in the database and only need to search, copy, and change a field or two (pricedate, perhaps the price or a note) for the new record.  This works pretty well, but the field modification when copying a record from a search with multiple items returned bugs me just a little bit – the pre-fill in the field modifications might not match the data from the record you copied, but from another record in the search instead.  This doesn’t happen when only one record is returned.  So, I added another function to my delegate class to allow me to focus on just one row of a search.  Now I just have to click a “Go To” link, and I have a single record that I can copy and know my pre-fill boxes will be right if I accidentally hit a field I don’t need to modify!  Here’s the code (this also goes inside the {}’s for the class, but NOT inside the ones for the function I previously defined).

function entryID__renderCell ( &$record ) {
        //LV 2013-02-23
        //Wrote based on variable info at http://xataface.com/wiki/Creating_a_Dashboard
        //and renderCell info at http://xataface.com/documentation/how-to/list_tab
        return $record->strval('entryID').'<br>(<a href="'.$ENV.DATAFACE_SITE_HREF.'?-action=list&-table=entry&entryID='.$record->strval('entryID').'">Go To</a>)';

This worked slick, and with an initial foray into renderCell under my belt, I was comfortable tackling another one to allow me to quickly display all the records of a particular brand – which I may later extend to a couple of other fields as well.  That code is as follows, with the same stipulations on placement as noted above.

function brand__renderCell ( &$record ) {
        //LV 2013-02-23
        //Wrote based on variable info at http://xataface.com/wiki/Creating_a_Dashboard
        //and renderCell info at http://xataface.com/documentation/how-to/list_tab
        return $record->strval('brand').'<br>(<a href="'.$ENV.DATAFACE_SITE_HREF.'?-action=list&-table=entry&brand='.$record->strval('brand').'">View&nbsp;All</a>)';

I also fixed a couple of fields that were not hidden in my list view previously based upon the information here.  In my fields.ini file, I changed “widget:type” to “visibility:list”, and the unnecessary fields disappeared from view, just as I had desired.

Now I just need to find a decent code-formatting/including plugin for WordPress, as the “code” syntax leaves a little to be desired and it would be fantastic if it displayed with the same syntax highlighting I get in Vi 🙂

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Need to take a read through this, might have a couple of places where it could help make things easier.

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Pretty handy trick.  I’ve done parts of it, but not the JSON parsing or the scheduling.  Those may be new since I last looked.  Good to hold on to for a reference.

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Grocery price tracking

Posted January 6, 2013 By Landis V

For some time (at least two years now) I’ve been tracking grocery prices on a few items that I buy regularly.  I’ve handled this through a spreadsheet in Google Docs, but more and more I’ve been interested in getting this into a database.  In conjunction with some things I’ve been looking at for home inventory, I decided to give xataface a try in this category as well.  I’ve spent some time with it this weekend, and while I’m a long way from finished, I’ve at least got something that should be simple to enter data from across the board.  Additionally, I’m looking at acquiring a couple of barcode scanners next week to further the project 🙂  Here’s what most of my weekend outside of family activities has consisted of.

Install (Linux – already done,) Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

Create a database for the application

create database grocery_price;

Add database user and grant privileges

CREATE USER ‘gprice’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘secretpassword’;
GRANT INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE ON grocery_price.* TO ‘gprice’@’localhost’;

Create the tables for storing grocery items and purchases.  Each grocery will need to have an ID; it would be ideal to have it be the UPC/EIN(?) code, but not all receipts have that (indeed, not even all products have it… think vegetables), and if items are not scanned as they come in it simply wouldn’t work.  Right now about 25% of my spreadsheet entries (103 out of 397) have blank SKU fields, others have store SKUs, and probably the majority have a UPC or partial UPC.  Initially creating a table that matches up to entry lines in existing database, maybe with a true/false marker for “SKU is UPC”.

CREATE TABLE grocery_price.entry (
brand VARCHAR(55),
type VARCHAR(40) COMMENT ‘generic classification for product i.e. juice, cheese, wine’,
subtype VARCHAR(55) COMMENT ‘more descr clsfcation for product i.e. apple, colby, shiraz’,
description VARCHAR(255) COMMENT ‘freeform name of product with more description/keywords’,
count TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘count of item purchased; 0 if observed only’,
size FLOAT COMMENT ‘number of ounces, mL, units, count, etc’,
unit VARCHAR(20) COMMENT ‘ounces, mL, lbs, each, etc.’,
price DECIMAL(6,2) COMMENT ‘price per item unless next field – priceisperitem – is 0’,
priceisperitem BIT(1) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘true/set unless the price in the row is for count’,
regularprice DECIMAL(6,2) NULL COMMENT ‘if onsale and regular price recorded’,
store VARCHAR(80),
rcptdesc VARCHAR(80) COMMENT ‘description of product as displayed on receipt’,
sku VARCHAR(40) COMMENT ‘SKU from receipt or preferably UPC w or w/o check digit’,
skuisupc BIT(1) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘1/true if the SKU field is a UPC w or w/o a check digit’,
pricedate DATE COMMENT ‘date on receipt if a purchase, otherwise date price seen’,
location VARCHAR(80),
note VARCHAR(255));
*  If the “skuisupc” field is set to 1, should have a stored procedure/function automatically update/insert the “upc” field when the record is first entered – and preferably calculate and add the check digit if it is not present.  UPC has 11 digits + check, EAN has 12+1 check, can convert UPC to EAN by adding a 0 at the beginning.  This is not finished yet, what is below is just a start on an outline for it.  Might just accept what it has if I have marked it as valid for the time being.
1.  Check length.  If 11 or less, assume UPC without check digit and left pad zeros to a length of 12, run EAN check calculation.
2.  If length is 12
CREATE TRIGGER `grocery_price`.`entry_setupc`
BEFORE INSERT ON `grocery_price`.`entry`

IF NEW.skuisupc = 1 THEN SET NEW.upc = NEW.sku;
END $$
*  Also need to have a stored procedure/function/trigger automatically set the updatetime field on an ‘UPDATE’ action
CREATE TRIGGER `grocery_price`.`entry_createtime`
BEFORE INSERT ON `grocery_price`.`entry`


END $$


Load CSV data into the file.  CSV contains columns for brand, type, subtype, description, size, unit, price, regularprice, store, rcptdesc, sku, skuisupc, pricedate, location, notes.

LOAD DATA INFILE ‘/home/landisv/Documents/grocery.csv’ INTO TABLE `grocery_price`.`entry` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\n’ (brand, type, subtype, description, size, unit, price, regularprice, store, rcptdesc, sku, skuisupc, pricedate, location, note);

Permitted mysqld access through apparmor as per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4215231/mysql-load-data-infile-error-code-13.

Installed php5-mysql

apt-get install php5-mysql

Attempted setup for initial application, which failed.

php makesite ../grocery gprice:w1WnmAV4P9QdTT93Gbhk@localhost/grocery_price /xataface

Granted gprice user proper permissions

SHOW GRANTS FOR `gprice`@`localhost`;
GRANT INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE ON `grocery_price`.* TO `gprice`@`localhost`;

Reran creation command successfully.  Attempted to access the web application and received the following message:  “As of Xataface 1.3 all applications are now required to have its own templates_c directory to house its compiled templates. Please create the directory “/var/www/grocery/templates_c” and ensure that it is writable by the web server.”

Created the templates_c directory and changed its ownership to the webserver.
cd /var/www/grocery
mkdir templates_c
chown www-data:www-data templates_c/

Getting HTTP 500 errors.  Did a little reading, installed php-pear and smarty engine.

apt-get install php-pear smarty

Still returning errors.  Viewed apache logs, noted that the database user I was working with (which I had only granted insert, select, update, and delete privileges to) needed create permissions (on a couple of tables as I discovered working through the issue).  Granted create permissions to the gprice user as follows.

GRANT CREATE ON `grocery_price`.`dataface__version` TO `gprice`@`localhost`;
GRANT CREATE ON `grocery_price`.`dataface__mtimes` TO `gprice`@`localhost`;
GRANT CREATE ON `grocery_price`.`dataface__preferences` TO `gprice`@`localhost`;

Once the above permissions were granted, I was able to access the database from the web interface.  Pretty ugly right now, as there are a couple of fields there’s really no need to see from the user interface (timestamps specifically), but it does work.  Also just noted that my rcptdate/pricedate stamps are ugly as sin and broken, so will probably drop the ‘entry’ table and recreate it, fix the CSV in the format expected by MySQL, and re-import it.  Sure enough, checking CSV indicates date format is MM/DD/YY, and for the DATE datatype MySQL will be expecting it as YYYY-MM-DD.  Ended up being easier to fix the date format in Google Docs and redownload, so I did that.  Ran the following to drop and recreate the ‘entry’ database table.

CREATE TABLE grocery_price.entry (
brand VARCHAR(55),
type VARCHAR(40) COMMENT ‘generic classification for product i.e. juice, cheese, wine’,
subtype VARCHAR(55) COMMENT ‘more descr clsfcation for product i.e. apple, colby, shiraz’,
description VARCHAR(255) COMMENT ‘freeform name of product with more description/keywords’,
count TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘count of item purchased; 0 if observed only’,
size FLOAT COMMENT ‘number of ounces, mL, units, count, etc’,
unit VARCHAR(20) COMMENT ‘ounces, mL, lbs, each, etc.’,
price DECIMAL(6,2) COMMENT ‘price per item unless next field – priceisperitem – is 0’,
priceisperitem BIT(1) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘true/set unless the price in the row is for count’,
regularprice DECIMAL(6,2) NULL COMMENT ‘if onsale and regular price recorded’,
store VARCHAR(80),
rcptdesc VARCHAR(80) COMMENT ‘description of product as displayed on receipt’,
sku VARCHAR(40) COMMENT ‘SKU from receipt or preferably UPC w or w/o check digit’,
skuisupc BIT(1) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘1/true if the SKU field is a UPC w or w/o a check digit’,
pricedate DATE COMMENT ‘date on receipt if a purchase, otherwise date price seen’,
location VARCHAR(80),
note VARCHAR(255));
CREATE TRIGGER `grocery_price`.`entry_setupc`
BEFORE INSERT ON `grocery_price`.`entry`


IF NEW.skuisupc = 1 THEN SET NEW.upc = NEW.sku;


END $$

CREATE TRIGGER `grocery_price`.`entry_createtime`
BEFORE INSERT ON `grocery_price`.`entry`



END $$


Received a message at this point that current version of MySQL doesn’t support multiple triggers with the same action.  Makes sense, so I revamped those a little and combined them into one, dropped the table, and re-added as follows.

CREATE TABLE grocery_price.entry (
brand VARCHAR(55),
type VARCHAR(40) COMMENT ‘generic classification for product i.e. juice, cheese, wine’,
subtype VARCHAR(55) COMMENT ‘more descr clsfcation for product i.e. apple, colby, shiraz’,
description VARCHAR(255) COMMENT ‘freeform name of product with more description/keywords’,
count TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘count of item purchased; 0 if observed only’,
size FLOAT COMMENT ‘number of ounces, mL, units, count, etc’,
unit VARCHAR(20) COMMENT ‘ounces, mL, lbs, each, etc.’,
price DECIMAL(6,2) COMMENT ‘price per item unless next field – priceisperitem – is 0’,
priceisperitem BIT(1) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘true/set unless the price in the row is for count’,
regularprice DECIMAL(6,2) NULL COMMENT ‘if onsale and regular price recorded’,
store VARCHAR(80),
rcptdesc VARCHAR(80) COMMENT ‘description of product as displayed on receipt’,
sku VARCHAR(40) COMMENT ‘SKU from receipt or preferably UPC w or w/o check digit’,
skuisupc BIT(1) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘1/true if the SKU field is a UPC w or w/o a check digit’,
pricedate DATE COMMENT ‘date on receipt if a purchase, otherwise date price seen’,
location VARCHAR(80),
note VARCHAR(255));
CREATE TRIGGER `grocery_price`.`entry_insert`
BEFORE INSERT ON `grocery_price`.`entry`


IF NEW.skuisupc = 1 THEN SET NEW.upc = NEW.sku;


END $$
LOAD DATA INFILE ‘/home/landisv/Documents/grocery.csv’ INTO TABLE `grocery_price`.`entry` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\n’ (brand, type, subtype, description, size, unit, price, regularprice, store, rcptdesc, sku, skuisupc, pricedate, location, note);

This worked great.  The downside is that the UPC import sucked, and I will probably drop those columns (upc and skuisupc) for the time being until I get around to adding them and the associated triggers as bitmaps.  For now I will just hide them.

Created a fields.ini folder (readable/writable by the webserver) in the /var/www/grocery/tables/entry directory with the following contents.
widget:type = “hidden”
widget:type = “hidden”
widget:type = “hidden”
widget:type = “hidden”
widget:type = “hidden”

This eliminated the fields in the detail edit view, but they still appear in the detail view itself as well as the list view.  Something else to probably work on over time.  At this point I tried adding a record by copying, which works fairly well (my test was primarily to check on the create/update time and ID fields to make sure they were unique with the copy).  Unfortunately I noticed that my prices all failed the import.  I suspect this is due to having a dollar sign in the CSV fields.  Since I’ll be redoing the table anyway, will go ahead and drop the ‘skuisupc’ and ‘upc’ fields out of it – and also see how xataface handles still having these fields in the fields.ini file 🙂  Ran the following.

CREATE TABLE grocery_price.entry (
brand VARCHAR(55),
type VARCHAR(40) COMMENT ‘generic classification for product i.e. juice, cheese, wine’,
subtype VARCHAR(55) COMMENT ‘more descr clsfcation for product i.e. apple, colby, shiraz’,
description VARCHAR(255) COMMENT ‘freeform name of product with more description/keywords’,
count TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘count of item purchased; 0 if observed only’,
size FLOAT COMMENT ‘number of ounces, mL, units, count, etc’,
unit VARCHAR(20) COMMENT ‘ounces, mL, lbs, each, etc.’,
price DECIMAL(6,2) COMMENT ‘price per item unless next field – priceisperitem – is 0’,
priceisperitem BIT(1) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘true/set unless the price in the row is for count’,
regularprice DECIMAL(6,2) NULL COMMENT ‘if onsale and regular price recorded’,
store VARCHAR(80),
rcptdesc VARCHAR(80) COMMENT ‘description of product as displayed on receipt’,
sku VARCHAR(40) COMMENT ‘SKU from receipt or preferably UPC w or w/o check digit’,
pricedate DATE COMMENT ‘date on receipt if a purchase, otherwise date price seen’,
location VARCHAR(80),
note VARCHAR(255));

CREATE TRIGGER `grocery_price`.`entry_insert`
BEFORE INSERT ON `grocery_price`.`entry`



END $$


LOAD DATA INFILE ‘/home/landisv/Documents/grocery.csv’ INTO TABLE `grocery_price`.`entry` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\n’ (brand, type, subtype, description, size, unit, price, regularprice, store, rcptdesc, sku, pricedate, location, note);

Didn’t observe any fits from the fields.ini file for the now missing fields, and my price information appears to have imported as expected.  All 397 of my records appear to have imported properly.  I also ran a really quick and dirty SQL injection attack which did not appear successful, so that’s a good indication as well (though a long ways from my forte, so I may not have done it correctly).

Attempted to add a record again and received another HTTP 500, though the record does appear to have been added.  Checked apache logs again and noted another table that needed CREATE permissions for the database user, added as follows.

GRANT CREATE ON `grocery_price`.`dataface__record_mtimes` TO `gprice`@`localhost`;

My next attempt to add a record appeared to work without error.  There’s still some tuning and visual improvement, as well as perhaps some selection list tie-ins to be added, but I’m pleased with the results for now.

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There have been a few times I’ve thought it would be nice to have a small, “low end box” somewhere for various tasks and viewpoints to the world.  They list some pretty good prices here, down to about a dollar a month for some of the very lightweight solutions.

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Food, Grocery, and UPC Databases and Information

Posted December 2, 2012 By Landis V

I’ve maintained a spreadsheet on Google Drive with details of a variety of groceries and related goods that we purchase for a while, containing information on the brand, product description, size, price paid (and a few “regular price” entries if I know I got it on sale), SKU/EAN/UPC, store, city, date, and notes.  In some ways it’s an unfortunate and disappointing look back across how bad inflation has been under Obama (for anyone who makes the claim that it’s not worse according to government statistics… those stats are all “ex food and energy”… the two things that actually matter!).  Aside from being interesting, it’s useful to track not only the change in prices over time, but where and when I’ve made purchases at the best price, so I can quickly look up whether I’m getting a good deal on something.

Typically I will add entries to my spreadsheet when I’m going through my receipts and doing categorized expense tracking.  There are pros and cons to this approach, and while my method could probably be improved with discipline, it has worked fairly well for me thus far.  I’ll discuss these pros and cons briefly, and touch on a couple of online tools I’ve run across that are beneficial in my tracking process.  On occasion I will also add to the list based upon a price I’ve seen advertised or if I run across an item while shopping at a store I don’t frequent so I can compare it to prices at my regular venues.

I try to keep all my receipts until I have a chance to sit down and enter them into my accounting/expense tracking (I use KMyMoney for this).  For our regular grocery shopping, I usually break receipts down into subcategories such as food, personal care, household supplies, alcohol, gifts, etc.  It’s uncommon for most of our receipts to fall into a single category, especially if sales tax is a part of the purchase, as I maintain an expense categorization for it as well.

As I mentioned, I find several advantages to my particular method of tracking.  First, since it is sometimes months before I have or make the time to sit down and process receipts, I’m sometimes unable to remember what a particular purchase was from just the description on the receipt.  In some ways, this is also a con, but with some of the tools I will describe below, it ends up working out fairly well – if the receipt includes a UPC code.  While looking up the product to see what it is so I can categorize it, it’s easy to add it into my spreadsheet at the same time.

Since I often have a large quantity of receipts to go through at once, it becomes fairly efficient to load up the sites I typically work with and establish a flow or rhythm.  It’s still not a fast process, but as with most tasks, it becomes quicker with practice and repetition.  I go through the receipt, do my lookups as needed, categorize the items in my accounting application, and mark the receipt to be shredded or filed as needed.

This tracking isn’t without downsides, chief among which is the time consumed by the process.  It generally consumes the biggest share of a weekend to enter and allocate two months of receipts.  I’m not sure I can completely justify the time yet, largely because I haven’t really utilized the data in value determination yet (which is in turn due to the incompleteness of my dataset to this point, so a self-referencing problem).  Sometimes it can be difficult to find necessary or accurate information, especially when UPC codes are not present.  And there are times when it is challenging to determine how to best categorize or itemize the data, or to later find the correct product information if I did a poor job of categorizing initially.

I’ve recently started making an effort to “coupon” (which I place in quotes, because I can’t see myself at this point actually putting the effort into it that true couponers do), and I hope this will lead to a greater return on my time investment thus far and going forward.

For stores that include the UPC as part of the line item on the receipt, the Internet UPC Database has proven incredibly valuable in providing information about items with unclear descriptions.  Wal Mart is one of these stores, and the UPC Database proves especially helpful in this regard as it provides the ability to look up the UPC check digit (the last digit of the UPC, which is not included on the Wal Mart receipt) and then provides a link to the product description.  I also recently discovered Factual, specifically their consumer packaged goods dataset which contains not only information about what a product is, but also provides the added bonus of nutritional information and ingredients.

I should note that the UPC Database is built with user contributed data (much like Wikipedia), while Factual’s dataset appears to come from manufacturers, though I haven’t done research to fully vouch for this.  I do find the idea of an open source/community sourced database potentially very beneficial, and have considered doing something similar with the data I’ve collected.

While mobile, I have also used the Grocery Tracker application on my Android phone to great benefit in keeping track of both my grocery lists and prices in the stores where I shop.  This application is incredibly thorough, and I probably don’t use a tenth of what it can do.  The inventory system looks very cool, but would require a lot more discipline and consistency than I can typically muster.

Finally, I use both store sites that can be searched by SKU (such as Sam’s Club) and Google when the information is not available by other means.  If nothing works out, I will leave a product out of the spreadsheet and/or leave it uncategorized in my accounting.

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