Kayfabe | Ideas in motion remain in motion
http://www.kayfabe.com/?p=1643 – this would be super handy as a mad lib form letter with just a few modifications!
Cold call sales annoy me. I think the economy must be heading back towards the tank, because it seems like I’m getting more calls lately from vendors trying to provide solutions for problems I don’t have. I had another one call today, and they mentioned that they had picked up my name from DiscoverOrg. Looks like that fine company is another fantastic source of useless spam. Rest assured if you cold call me and waste my time trying to sell me something I don’t need when I have many, many better things to do… if the time should come that I need a product like what you offer, come hell or high water I will find another product that will meet my needs.
DiscoverOrg(.com) appears to be nothing but a spam source, as any credible organization would at least have a remove or “do not contact” button.
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