Masterbuilt 30″ Propane Smoker Notes

Recently bought a Masterbuilt propane smoker from Cabelas.  Had kicked the idea around for a while, and the price was the lowest I’d seen by 25%, so went ahead with the purchase.  Got it assembled the other day and ready for a burn-in run, started this post to keep track of any notes I come across on it.

It was noteworthy that I had to make some minor modifications to complete the assembly.  It looks like they sent me two front legs for the same side, so one was missing one of the semi-necessary holes to mount the control panel.  Probably could have gotten by without it, but I just drilled a hole and added the fourth nut and screw.

    • Page with some suggestions for improving seal, temperature control, chip and water pans.  Suggests chunks instead of chips.  Also several suggestions for alternate smoke sources.

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