Remote power switches for rebooting cablemodem and router
I hate it when I’m away from home and either the ISP or some of my equipment glitches, necessitating a reboot or two. I have enough systems in place that I should be able to automate this process. To do so, I need to get some remotely controllable equipment, create the state diagram (not good if I power cycle one of the network components required to reach the remote switch and it doesn’t come back up!), and write the scripts to run the logic.
I’d also like to have easily accessible power switches in my data closet so I can power cycle the devices without having to pull them down and unplug the power from the back of them.
Hardware components I’ve looked at
SainSmart 16 channel web relay – at Amazon. This could work if installed between the transformer block and the switches.
Ethernet relay on eBay, claims to be AC250V @ 10A, though that would probably be pushing it. Would have to look up the specs on the relays they used. For the watt draw on the AC, depending upon the size, might be able to install it inside a large surge protector housing and wire the outlets through it.
Controllable Four Outlet Power Relay Module – at Adafruit. Not network connected, and would require some other device to control it. But most likely UL listed and designed to handle AC.
Ended up finding a Digital Loggers LPC-3 on eBay for $57 shipped that should do the job nicely. Manual is here.
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