Some updated LXC networking, plus Linux network namespaces
Four very good articles I’ve encountered today regarding networking in Linux containers. This is a space that has blossomed and matured surprisingly quickly, and many of the frustrations I had previously encountered are gradually being solved.
I was initially researching veth’s and bridging a container network to the host network. I have a container inside a VirtualBox VM with a NAT network, and want to bridge the container so it retrieves an address from the VirtualBox NAT network. As I’ve dug into it further, this appears to actually be what’s happening, but I start to run into issues when I attempt to set up a port forward on the VirtualBox NAT to a service running within the LXC container.
A Brief Introduction to Linux Containers with LXC
Introducing Linux Network Namespaces
More interesting to me in the context of VRF lite a la Cisco than in the context of LXC, but definitely something I’ll be coming back to.
Exploring LXC Networking
Gets into LXC testing using Vagrant, which is another tool I have been meaning to learn more about. Perhaps one of the most helpful articles in understanding just what I was encountering.
Disposable Development Boxes: Linux Containers on VirtualBox
This was a second search as I started to look more into the issues getting the forwaring to work right. Egresss from the container seemed to work OK, I could ping Google and such, but I couldn’t seem to bring anything back in easily.
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