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My Stirplate… Cheap and Easy Build… – Home Brew Forums

http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f51/my-stirplate-cheap-easy-build-86252/ How to build a stir plate with parts I probably already have on hand.

Several links with information on yeast or yeast slants

http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f163/slanting-yeast-133103/index15.html#post2286547 Cynmar vials referenced in this post seem to be ideal for yeast slants, and appear to handle autoclaving well.  Looked them up on the Cynmar website and they appear to be a pretty low-cost item as well.  Probably makes sense to order through them as A.) these don’t appear to be available on Amazon, […]

Sensory Training Kit

This post is part of a collection of brewing equipment purchases describing what, where, why, and when of brew gear I believe will provide value, enjoyment, or increased efficiency in my brewing processes. What: Sensory training kit for recognition of most common/important flavor elements in beer Where: Siebel website Beer club Individual who’s working on […]

Kegerator/Keezer Chest Freezer

This post is part of a collection of brewing equipment purchases describing what, where, why, and when of brew gear I believe will provide value, enjoyment, or increased efficiency in my brewing processes. What: Kenmore 8.8 cu ft chest freezer – Model 16949 (black, preferred) or 16942 (white) Where: Kmart (white or black); regular price […]

Brewing purchase, price, and priority list

I’m not far into my brewing journey, but I am already hooked on the process. It’s a terrible hobby for me to get involved in, given the endless minutiae that can change the essence or the entire character of a brew. I can lose hours and days reading about the steps in the process, thinking […]

Comparing and Selecting Hops

http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2416987/Misc%20Links/Comparing%20and%20Selecting%20Hops.htm Comparison and description table for hops and grains

1-Wire USB Interface – CodeProject

USB-Serial CH340 via 1-Wire USB Interface – CodeProject. I’ve been wanting to do some temperature sensing/tracking for some time, and this looks like the way to do it. I’ve ordered some CH340’s off of eBay for $.99 each and bid on some DS18B20 1-wire sensors at about $1.20 each. My hope is to be able […]