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How to Brew – By John Palmer – What is Malted Grain?

http://www.howtobrew.com/section2/chapter12.html I had been thinking about this very question for the past couple of days and hadn’t yet specifically searched it out, so it was great timing to run across this section of Palmer’s book.  I will probably have to buy this one at some point if for no other reason than I keep running […]

Constructing a Backyard Half-Barrel Brewery | MoreBeer

http://morebeer.com/articles/building_a_brutus_10_brewery Quick read, saving in case I ever reach the point where something of this size makes sense.

Homebrew Finds: Homebrewing Related Amazon Fillers

http://www.homebrewfinds.com/p/homebrewing-related-amazon-fillers.html Lots of useful stuff here.  I really shouldn’t bookmark it, as that makes it way too easy to come back and spend money…

11 Mistakes Every New Homebrewer Makes | The Mad Fermentationist – Homebrewing Blog

http://www.themadfermentationist.com/2012/02/11-mistakes-every-new-homebrewer-makes.html Ran across the above while searching for some basic information about preparing a dry yeast for priming during bottling.  It didn’t have specifically what I was looking for, but there were definitely some useful tips in the article, and more (along with good discussion) in the comments.  The author also has an interesting article […]

Advanced Bottle Conditioning – Northern Brewer

http://www.northernbrewer.com/documentation/AdvancedBottleConditioning.pdf Some references for C02 volumes of several container types, sugar types, and a variety of priming and re-yeasting methods. This ties in really nicely with John Palmer’s page on priming and bottling, especially the nomograph here.


Since my carboys and equipment should arrive between tomorrow and the next day, and Saturday promises to be a brew day, I’m now thinking about chillers.  I’m fairly sure I could borrow one easily, and that is likely to be what I will do.  But at some point I’ll be doing my own brewing in […]

The gravity of beer…

I borrowed a hydrometer and tested the gravity of the beer I’ve had bubbling away in a carboy in my basement since early May.  Yes, it has actually been running that long.  I’ve heard from a few folks that the wort (donated by a local brewery) was on the rich side.  Seems we’re getting close […]