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Creating a new VirtualBox VM on the command line

I finally removed a computer that I’ve had running for quite a while, configuring another “intermittently operational” system to run all the time.  I’d like to have the old system run as a VirtualBox VM on the new system.  My VirtualBox VMs are running headless as services using VboxVMService.  Further, one of my VirtualBox VMs […]

Removing “Smart Web Search” crapware from Firefox

A relative recently had a problem with his computer, where any links he clicked from email messages in Outlook popped up the browser, but always to a “Smart Web Search” page.  When I initially heard of it, Google Chrome was getting the blame for the problem, but I was pretty sure it was just an […]

Serving multiple DNS search domains in IOS DHCP

http://www.perkin.org.uk/posts/serving-multiple-dns-search-domains-in-ios-dhcp.html DHCP option 119, though having to convert to hex and null-term is a PITA.  If it does what’s needed, then probably worthwhile.

Display System Menu with Alt key – Putty

http://malektips.com/putty-system-menu-alt-key.html In trying to be more “keyboard efficient” lately and use the mouse less, ran across this. My PuTTY configuration was even disabled for the Alt+Space, which was all I really needed to have enabled.

Lock a computer through an RDP session

Not something I need to do a heck of a lot (in fact, this is probably the first time I’ve needed to in ten years), but good information to have on file for when I need it again: rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation Courtesy of: http://www.bridgetonova.com/2007/10/how-to-lock-computer-in-remote-desktop-connection.html