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Update: SQUID transparent SSL interception : Squid v3.2 « Dvas0004’s Blog
http://blog.davidvassallo.me/2012/07/05/update-squid-transparent-ssl-interception-squid-v3-2/ Looks like a read with some useful content if I can get to it.
The Immorality of the Social Contract | The Agora Telegraph
http://agoratelegraph.com/2012/04/29/the-immorality-of-the-social-contract/ Rosseau
William James – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Charles Renouvier via William James – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This should lead to some further reading on the aforementioned Renouvier and Will To Believe/Free Will
Dynamic DNS Updates
http://www.semicomplete.com/articles/dynamic-dns-with-dhcp/ May get around to setting this up a little while down the road.
http://www.informationweek.com/news/global-cio/interviews/231902694# Several interesting things in this one.
http://www.priceprotectr.com/ http://iscs.sourceforge.net/ ISCS administrators do not configure the security subsystems separately. They never write a single order dependent rule or complex security association. They describe the security environment in functional, practical, process oriented terms such as, “Sales needs access to Sales Data”, “Marketing, Financial, Engineering and the outside Advertising Agency need access to the New Product […]
http://www.politicsforum.org/images/flame_warriors/index.php Voluntary Simplicity by Duane Elgin n2h2p on sourceforge – finally, a way to convert a proxy to allow URL filtering on Cisco routers.