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1-Wire USB Interface – CodeProject

USB-Serial CH340 via 1-Wire USB Interface – CodeProject. I’ve been wanting to do some temperature sensing/tracking for some time, and this looks like the way to do it. I’ve ordered some CH340’s off of eBay for $.99 each and bid on some DS18B20 1-wire sensors at about $1.20 each. My hope is to be able […]

Multi-IR remote

This, possibly in combination with this (or at least the software component thereof), might be a simpler solution to something I was thinking about today.  I have an XBMC remote control application on my phone and tablets which I like for several reasons.  It’s always handy and never lost – or at least easily found […]

Tub, Basket & Agitator parts for GE WHDSR209D1WW – AppliancePartsPros.com

http://www.appliancepartspros.com/tub-basket-agitator-parts-for-ge-whdsr209d1ww.html Lost a bearing for the tub in the washing machine.  Replaced it with an old $50 Maytag from a Facebook “for sale” group (that we actually really like) until I get ours fixed.  Parts list on this page, just need to clear out some tabs.